Warlick, D. (2009). Grow your personal learning network. Learning & Leading With Technology, 36(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-march-april-2009.aspx
This article discussed the ways in which personal learning networks (PLN’s) have evolved into the technological age. We have all had some sort of PLN, these are the family, friends, colleagues and associates by which we have grown to rely on. Now we can broaden these PLN’s to encompass people from all over the world with tools like blogs, wiki’s, Twitter, and Diigo. The article discusses the different types of PLN’s, like those that are instant (synchronous) like a conversation (text messaging, Skype.) Those that are nearly instant (semi synchronous) like virtual chatting, Twitter, Facebook. These are where a question or topic can be posed, and responses given, but there is not pressure for the response to be immediate, you are able to multi-task while in this sort of interaction. The author also gave some very useful tips on streamlining the amount of information you receive. Tools like RSS readers and Diigo can help you to be selective on the updates of blogs and news articles that you receive, and you can choose when to view them; these tools merely tell you when there is new information for viewing.
Question 1: “It is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information available online, how can you counter this so you receive the most useful information to you?”
The author states in the article to start slowly, I think that is one of the most useful pieces of advice. Rather than subscribing to every newsletter and update you can think of when you first start, just pick a couple that you think will be the most useful. As time progresses, these sites may recommend other authors/blogs/feeds that may be of use to you, and you can choose to follow them as well. It is an organic process that should be allowed to happen, rather than forced. Making use of RSS feeds to let you know when there is new information is also extremely helpful because you can decide if and when to view it, rather than cluttering your inbox with the actual info every time it updates.
Question 2: “How can you ensure you are also receiving advice/tips that may be contrary to what you think, rather than things that only reinforce your view?”
I think this concept is important in all of our PLN’s, not just those in the virtual world. It is important to hear arguments that oppose your point of view, as well as those that reinforce it. Often times new ideas come out of such discussions with those who believe something different. I think it is important to subscribe to a couple of reputable sources of information that you may often disagree with, but have respect for. This way you are also hearing other points of views on a topic that interest you. It will not only help you to be more informed on a topic, but you can also share your point of view and maybe even alter their thinking on the subject as well. Even if no one changes their mind, good and meaningful discussions can come out of this.
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